Sunday 4 January 2015

Guide lines: Scorpions as a pet (PART I) by Sunil Jamil


There are round about 1,500 types of scorpions are discovered yet. Scorpions can survive in many habitats such as, woodlands, deserts, forests, grasslands, and most of the most the old places where know one go some people saw scorpions in the old graveyards, fields, or some places where no one want to go, due to the some psychological impact most of the people think that this is the sign of Satan or death so, whenever they found a scorpion the kill them right away, however it’s a fact that there is only a few species of scorpions which can kill humans or other living beings.


Scorpios as pets

Now day’s trend is changing scorpion as a pet becoming common in the teenagers and more popular. And scorpions are inexpensive to buy from market and other important thing is that it takes very little maintenance, in the way of setup or hospitality. These days’ scorpions can be easily found in animal stores or can be easily accessible in online dealers or breeders. If you are feed up in keeping other pets try snake or scorpions they are very interesting.

Care Sheet              

Finally if you are interested in keeping  a scorpions as a pet then it will need many supplies,  it is important to keep your pet healthy with the passage of time your pet become like family member. It’s very important to have pet aquarium or cage or wooden cave aquarium to have before you bring your scorpion at home. Following are list of supplies I have mentioned if you need any special care requirement for your scorpion according to the breed then you will need to email me with the picture of the pet and specie.

  1. First you will need a locking screen tank. And a  5 -10 gallon tank is fine for one or two scorpions.
  2. If you are planning to keep communal colony then you will need a 15-20 gallon tank.
  3. For tropical scorpions you will need a Eco-earth, bed-a-beast, bread peat or similar substrate. For desert scorpions you may use commercial play sand as a substrate.
  4. Hide area, Driftwood and logs available at most pet stores work fine.
  5. A shallow water dish.
  6. Optional decorations available at pet stores may be added to the cage if you desire to make it a more attractive and natural looking habitat. 
  7. An under-the-tank heat pad should be provided on one side of the tank.
  8. Specific lighting is not required for scorpions because they are nocturnal. A light can be used to create a day and night cycle.
  9. Gut loaded crickets and other insects for feeding.

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